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Re: Re: I do hope you're kidding... (Sun Aug 4 10:27:31 2002 )
Misha [View profile ]


:Have you read the American new lately

Let me rephrase that; the Romans also thought it 
was OK to molest little children. In fact, it was 
done quite regularly; boys (being any age, most 
often 8-11) grew into men with other men.

So, you're saying that we should do ANYTHING that 
works, even if it's morally and ethically wrong 
by ANY standards? No, you see, you're missing the 
point; America was founded on the concept that we 
SHOULDN'T do that.

:The point I make is: we were ATTACKED!

 Yes, we were. But NOT by all the people that 
died, unfortunately. Apaarently, us being 
attacked makes it OK for us to be TRIGGER HAPPY, 
CIRCUMSTANCES. AND just because we were ATTACKED 
doesn't mean that all of our problems as a 
country are gone; it means we're now trying to 
HIDE IT by elongating a useless war. All 
the "war" is now is a political powertool, to 
placate the masses and make us not notice silly 
things like policy changes (such as making it OK 
for doctors who are morally opposed to abortion 
to conveniently omit that option to any patients 
who might come, when in the past all options had 
to be mandatorilly presented; church and state 
are merging again, and no one is DOING 
anything!).It's ridiculous, and it should stop, 
regardless of your moral viewpoint of the war.

 Nothing is ever as simple as "Attack, hit back". 
You see, all of this could have been resolved 
without pointless deaths (twice as many civilians 
as 9/11 already, and those people were JUST AT 
INNOCENT as those killed at the WTC; women and 
children, mainly, actually. YAY! WE'RE CHILD 
KILLERS! WHEEE! GO AMERICA! Please...) if only we 
weren't so friggan' macho and thought that 
hitting back was better than, oh, say WORKING 
THINGS OUT. Instead, we're just making other 
countries (with nuclear arms, by the way) hate us 
even more, which wouldn't matter except that 
targeting America is looking very appealing now. 
It's like pointing out your Achille's heel, and 
then pissing everyone off until they hit it. 
We're digging ourselves deeper, and unless we do 
something other than say "America ROCKS! No one 
can mess with us!", then more people will die, on 
both "sides".

...I still find the concept that the world 
is "us" or "them" ridiculous...we ARE made up 
of "them"...we're a melting pot. The majority of 
our population didn't start off here; very few of 
us are "natural" Americans. So to cut of "them" 
is to cut off our very origins. And 
again...borders are -fake- lines. They don't 
exist. People on one side are generally the same 
as people on the other; the discriminate because 
someone is from a different "side" just adds 
another uneeded element of bigotry to our culture.


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