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Re: Ok, time for a lesson. (Sun Aug 4 21:07:03 2002
Yann Stettler [View profile
1) Invented the automobile
France : Nicolas Joseph Cugnot in 1769
(first self-powered road vehicles using steam
First combustion engine designed by Dutch
physicist, Christian Huygens
First internal combustion engine designed and
built : Francois Isaac de Rivaz (Swiss)
First practical automobile designed and built
by Karl Benz (Germany)
2) Invented Aircraft
1799 : Sir George Cayley invented the concept of
the fixed-wing aircraft (England).
1903 : Wright Brothers, First manned, powered
heavy-than-air flight (12 sec). (USA)
(But perhaps it was : Richard Pearse of New
Zealand. Lot of controversy on that subject)
3) Invented Submarines
First plans draw in 1578 by a British
First submarine built in 1620 by a Dutch inventor
: Cornelius van Drebbel
4) Invented Television, Radar, Infrared, Radio
Watson-Watt was the Scottish physicist who
developed the radar locating of aircraft in
England. Radar was patented (British patent) in
April, 1935
Guglielmo Marconi, Italien, first wireless
telegraphy patent in England in 1896. Then Telsa
get US patent in 1900 just before Marconi.
December 12, 1901, Marconi for the first time
transmitted and received signals across the
Atlantic Ocean.
You can't invent "infrared" : they simply are...
5) Discovered ELECTRICITY (Ben Franklin anyone?)
Actualy Franklin only proved that static
electricity and lightening are the same :
"However, the experiment did not make Franklin the
discoverer of electricity.
The ancient Greeks knew about electricity. Thales
of Miletus, who died around 546 B.C., discovered
that static electricity could be made by rubbing
amber with wool. The word "electron" originated in
a Greek word for amber.
Scientists in Europe experimented with electricity
long before Franklin."
It was Alessandro Volta in 1800 who made the first
battery. (Italy)
6) Invented ANIMATION
Paul Roget (France)in 1828 invented the
7) Discovered Penecillin
Alexander Fleming (Scotland)
Development of first vaccines : Louis Pasteur
9) Invented Computers
Pascal's adding machine
Fondamental concept : Charles Babbage (England)
The "Colosus" was built in 1943 in England
(near-computer). USA built a comparable calculator
only in 1946.
First programming langugage : Konrad Zuse
Concept of first mordern computer and computer
science : Alan Turing (England)
> and the INTERNET!
Internet was not really invented : it's the result
of several factors : networking (connecting 2
computers together), the actualy network protocol
used for internet (TCP/IP), the actual network
application used on internet (SMTP, FTP, HTTP,...)
While TCP/IP was developed in USA and the first
base of the current internet started there
(ARPANET/milnet), current protocols were developed
by various people from all around the world.
For example, the HTTP/HTML (or if you prefere, the
web) were created at the CERN (Europeen nuclear
research center) in Geneva.
Hope you find all this informative...
Yann Stettler |
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