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Now, now, no pointless shows of "patriotism"... (Sun Aug 4 00:44:53 2002
Misha [View profile
...while it's understandable that you're annoyed,
by such mindless acts of nationalism (yes
NATIONALISM, which is different from patriotism.
It's a thin line, but waaaaay too many Americans
have crossed it), you're perpetuating that we
should be proud and blindly follow our country.
The right to question one's country, which we
SHOULD be doing right now since we ARE doing
something WRONG (the number of Afghani civilians
killed in our revenge is more than twice that
killed in 9/11; and I had to look in a British
newspaper to find that, because the number is not
being published over here), is written into the
Constitution. In fact, our country was STARTED
because we wanted the right to QUESTION our
government; to say that opposing our government
is unpatriotic is a load of horse crap said by
people who don't even have the time of day to
THINK about what is happening. We're not an evil
country, but we're doing an evil thing. Oh, and
by the way, we're not a democracy...we're
REPUBLIC. Just like China (Oh, no,
Communists! ::sarcasm::).
If everyone had taken the money they spent on
flags and donated it to charity instead of buying
useless colored nylon, THEN we would be doing
something useful...but mindlessly following your
country does no use. Fundamentally, as a country,
we have problems, and 9/11 did not -erase- them.
Whoo, I bet THAT will get people riled up. Now,
moving on...
...it should be stated that we, as Americans,
aren't PROUD of our origins, but we are trying to
move past it. We shouldn't be held responsible
for something that none of us today would do;
also, it should be noted that almost ALL OF
EUROPE had an "invasion" system; every European
race at one point invaded and stole the land of
others. It happened more in Europe than in
America; people had a different system back than.
But, of course, it's our fault; are you still
going to hold modern day Germany responsible for
the actions of Hitler and the Nazis? Slavery
existed in all parts of the world, and people had
been stealing land long before we did; what do
you think conquistadors DID, planted seeds? If
we're all to be at fault for the past, then the
world should be held on trial; every country has
it's murky and shading history. Ours is just
painted neon and shoved in our faces.
Ahhh, well. We do have a lot of problems as a
country, and other countries have the right to
show these problems to us; just don't forget to
handle YOUR OWN as well. It's always easy to
criticize others.
Also, please don't bother getting into a debate
with me on this; I'm really not in the mood. I'm
all for hearing diverse points of view, but only
in the right context. This is not targeted
towards anyone; simply my -opinion-, and as such
you don't have to agree or even like it, but you
do have to respect it.
-Misha, |
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