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Yikes.... (Sun Aug 4 08:26:46 2002
mouse nli [View profile
Well, now as gung-ho for America as I am, that's
a bit much dont you think? This is just why the
rest of the world doesnt much care of us...this
ego thing. I for one just wish everyone'd shut
up and live their lives, but we all know that's
to easy to do and makes too much sense, therefor
impossible ^^;;. As my grandma always
says, "Where does everyone get the time to hate
and fight? Doesnt anyone have anything else to
I do think America needs to butt out of wars that
dont concern them, and stop taking sides with
certain coutnries just for good PR, but who am
I? I think the whole point of this thread was
just to show that Shura has an ill mind, period.
The comments about Americans were just the
topping on the crap cake is all. Her other
comments were just as, if not MORE disturbing.
She mentions KILLING a little too much than
should be healthy, and she cusses way more than
most adult men I know...and being in Texas where
people cuss like nothing else, that's pretty
bad. So, forget the whole America thing...one
flyspeck person thinking these things and posting
them on her cute little list isnt going to affect
me. Hell, if the world can hate America all they
want, I'll still get up and go to work the next
day. I just wont be buying Shura's cels.
Especially since it's my cel's bg (and another
collector's) she copied. -throws hands in the
air- |
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