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I do hope you're kidding... (Sun Aug 4 08:22:09 2002 )
Misha [View profile ]


...the Romans ALSO molested little children. 
Perhaps they're not the best role model to follow 
^^;; Oh, and that whole forcing other nations 
into oppression under their rule thing wasn't 
very nice; nor did it work. They collapsed in 
fiery fury. I love that attitude..."It didn't 
work once....SO LET'S DO IT AGAIN! WHOOO!". 
Generally, EMPIRES aren't a good thing. IN FACT, 
our Constitution was written in a way that we 
would NOT become an empire, because we -hated- 
the British Empire and wanted to be the farthest 
from it. Perhaps we are truly becoming what we 

My point was not to care what other countries 
thought of us...my point was that WE as a nation 
should expect more than "Duuuh...let's shoot 
these guns. People will like it!". It's very 
much "Don't pay attention to the man behind the 
curtain, folks". 

As for "US vs. THEM"...anyone who thinks the 
limit of a human being is by the borders of the 
country they are from is sadly mistaken. We are 
not the sum of our countries; it is the other way 
around. It's not an "US vs THEM" thing, we're 
just making it seem that way so we don't have to 
look at OURSELVES. It's a scapegoat. Why America 
seems to take it upon itself to "correct" the 
world, I will never know; it's like that annoying 
neighbor who won't stop telling you everyday that 
your flowers are dying while HIS are infested by 
every type of insidious insect you can imagine, 
their brown, limp stems strewn across the ground.

And if you were kidding (it's so hard to tell on-
line)...then sorry about that! Ignore me, it's 
late and I'm tired. Now if you'll excuse 
me...that DDR isn't going to play itself!


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