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Ok, time for a lesson. (Sun Aug 4 16:59:10 2002 )
Undisturbed [View profile ]

Anti-american people make me sick.  Dislike the 
individual and not the group.  Its the same 
thing as racism.....a close minded ignorant 
stance that everyone of "X" is a "Y".

Here are some facts to think about on your shit 
list.  I'm answering them as honest as I can, 
take it for what you will.  Open your mind.

>18. George W. Bush - need explanation on THAT
particular case?!

George Bush isn't our best president, but he's 
doing a good job.  Lets bomb your neighborhood 
and kill 3000 people and see how you react?

>19. Pentagon - publishing an obvious racism-
>triggering shooting game is far from what they 
>should have a lot of: responsibilty

Who?  What?  This makes no sense at all.  If 
you're referring to afghanistan, we kicked their 
ass with guns and bombs...not insults.

>20. US Army - bombing Afghanian weddings and 
>hospitals apart sure is a fine way of terror 

I love this one.  American fighter jets were 
flying over the wedding (didn't know it was one 
at the time) when the particpants at the wedding 
started firing their guns in the air.

Hmmm....bullets flying in the air.....aimed at 
our fighters.....what the hell would you do?  We 
bombed them because it looked like an attack, 
not because we felt like ruining a wedding.  The 
dumbasses shouldn't be shooting at jet fighters!

>21. American Patriots being proud of their 
>freedom - "Know how we got that freedom?" Sure, 
>by invading other's lands, slaughtering them 
>and occupying what once was theirs.

Yes, we had a bad history with the American 
Indians back when the country only had 16 or 17 
states.  However we NEVER invaded and took other 
land for our own.  Germany?  Japan?  What do you 
think about them?  Obviously Japan is a favorite 
of yours, mine, and everyone on this forum.  
What about England and all the colonys they 
had?  I'm sure there are a LOT more examples.

>NOT ALL the US, most ppl are okay, I only get 
>peeved at "America rules the world"

I agree just a tad.  Simply put, we 
shouldn't "brag".  But you know what?  I think 
we earned the right to brag.

What did your country do to change the world and 
the way we live?  Lets see....the USA:

1) Invented the automobile
2) Invented Aircraft
3) Invented Submarines
4) Invented Television, Radar, Infrared, Radio
5) Discovered ELECTRICITY (Ben Franklin anyone?)
6) Invented ANIMATION
7) Discovered Penecillin
8) was 1st to split the atom (nuclear power, A-
9) Invented Computers and the INTERNET!  Yes 
that thing your typing on is an American brain 

So what did your country invent?  The "Easy Bake 
Oven?"  (oh wait...thats us too)  I don't even 
know what country your from, but it doesn't 
matter.  I dislike -you-...not your country.

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