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Re: I do hope you're kidding... (Sun Aug 4 09:38:41 2002
XoXoX [View profile
>...the Romans ALSO molested little children.
Perhaps they're not the best role model to follow<
Have you read the American news lately? If I
were from another country I'd tend to agree with
the comparison [Not role model].
>They collapsed in
fiery fury. I love that attitude..."It didn't
work once....SO LET'S DO IT AGAIN! WHOOO!".<
The Roman empire lasted for 2000 years in one
form or another (Internal changes). How long have
we? a little over 200 yrs? How many more before
we're wiped out, 20 maybe?...So I'd have to vote
that they did have a way to make it work, even if
it was by the sword {gunship}.
The point I make is; we were ATTACKED! Maybe
they had their reasons (Hate America) but we have
ours and your either with us or against us. That
may be a simplistic, barbaric way of looking at
it but thats the way it is.
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