I've had a lot of good luck on e-Bay with NPBs
but lately...*sigh*
I have a guy who completed checkout for my item
(okay, I'm a geek, it was a set of Star Trek
Hallmark ornaments)a MONTH ago saying that he
was going to pay by paypal. I waited TWO weeks
for him to send me an e-mail saying that his
computer was messed up and he was going to send
me a money order (I don't know why the jerk
couldn't have paid with paypal while he was
online e-mailing me...). But I'm reasonable, so
I decided to wait. So now it's been a month and
I KNOW it doesn't take that long for a money
order to go through the mail. I've sent him
payment reminders and e-mails with no response
and I'm going to go through the official NPB
channels now. It really burns though.
Trust me. It's irritating but there's nothing
more satisfying than giving someone negative
feedback. Since e-Bay doesn't really seem to
give a rat's ass, it's the only thing you can do
to stick it to them.
Could be worse. My mom bought an item from a
woman, paid, then got an e-mail from her saying
she couldn't *possibly* sell it for such a
little amount and she was going to keep it if
mom didn't fork over three hundred dollars! (I
have had this happen to me once or twice-once
with cels). Long story short-she kept mom's
money and gave her feedback saying 'Thanks for
your money!'. What a jerk. Some people need to
be set on fire. |