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Re: Evilbay forbids it, read on... pt 2 (Thu Jul 17 14:55:55 2003 )
munchie [View profile ]

Forgot to mention, IMP evilbay really doesn't 
care if the buyers and sellers experience 
deadbeats. Look at how severe a punishment they 
are willing to issue if you publish a a 
blacklist. It really isn't suprising, but it's 
sad to see evilbay has this policy. IMO there is 
no effective deterrants from deadbeat behavior, 
for sellers or buyers. Posting negative feedback 
means nothing if the seller already scammed you 
out of your money and likewise if the deadbeat 
buyer wasted your time, energy and ruined your 
auction by bidding, when an otherwise potentially 
responsible bidder could've won.  

Evilbay already made and continues to earn their 
cut from the posting fees, reserve fees (if 
applicable), and closing fees. Their interest 
focuses on protecting their "reputation" as a 
relatively safe and regulated auction site. Which 
it should be noted, does nothing more than 
provide, "the service of an auction" but doesn't 
regulate, interact or perform any of the 
functions an auction house like Butterfield & 
Butterfield does. 

It's sad, there is no real alternatives.

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