Fortunately, I've only been cursed with people
who seem to think they can buy things and then
pay for those things "just whenever". This is
almost equally as irritating (I say "almost"
since paymnt arrives *eventually*) as deadbeats,
and they have many of the same, LAME excuses.
The excuse I hate the most is the Paypal excuse.
I have no issues with helping newbies (I enjoy
teaching newbies the ropes), but Paypal *IS NOT
THAT COMPLICATED*. When I've explained it into
the ground and someone claims to still be
screwing up after a (supposed) couple attempts to
send payment, I know they're just dicking with me
and I get really irritated.
Overall, what bugs me the most is that *I* don't
overextend myself on my hobby. If I can't
immediately pay for a cel, I pass it up. I do not
buy things on the excuse of "I'll have the money
next week". Even payment plans are something I've
done only twice in the whole of my collecting. It
severely bugs me when many cels go to people who
*CAN'T* afford them. They drag things on until
they get around to affording it. In the meantime,
the cel remains on hold -- unorderable, even
though someone like myself could now afford it.
Given that, it's obvious how late-paying bidders
really put a dent in my mood as I pass things up
because their payment still hasn't arrived. ~_~
There's nothing I actively do to relieve the
stress of irritating bidders/buyers, but I do
know that it makes me appreciate even more the
people who are good -- buyers or sellers. I also
appreciate the *stores* who hold good to threats
of "the item goes back up for sale if you haven't
paid within ___ days". I appreciate the public
blacklists. Also, since I try my best to send
payments ASAP (even when inconvenient for me), I
apprecaite threads like this one that tell me the
sellers I work with probably appreciate me as a
bidder/buyer. ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,