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Hell has the finest lawyers. (Tue Aug 24 06:44:10 2004
ryoga2pchan [View profile
Wouldn't discussing a case in public violate
confidentiality laws? Thereby opening a window
for you to be disbared?
Sorry if I offend any lawyers here, but I'm
getting tierd of things I like being taken away
due to lawsuits. How long will smoking last? Not
much longer. Fast food? Days are numbered. Games
like GTA3? Already a bill on the floor for
violence in games to be declared "obscene" and
therefore illegal. Alcohol will be next, as soon
as everone forgets what happened during
prohibition. And now this. I have never had ANY
problems with ANY cel dealer. And I have
certainly done more than a fair share of dealings
with Nick.
You claim a random 2% dissatisfied client base.
Id like you to show me ANY business where someone
doesnt have a bone to pick, real or imagined. Its
buisiness. Stuff happens. Ive helped friends
conduct web businesses and they had their share
of problems, but I can guarantee you they were
honest and the complaint was false. I wont impugn
your "client" in any way. I dont know them. They
could be the salt of the earth for all I know. I
just know that OJs laywers swear up and down
thats hes innocent, as do Robert Blakes'.
Another post of yours you claim that it was odd
that people suddenly were willing to defend AC
when we found out whom it was that you were
talking about. No kidding.Why wouldn't people
speak up when something didn't sound right.Ill
use an analogy of my own. Ill even go with the
flow on religious themes. If you claimed that
someone commited a carjacking and did a drive by
on MLK, of course people would be aghast. Then if
you say it was the Pope who did it, its more than
reasonable that people would say "Gee, that seems
rather far fetched. I know the Pope, and he's
just not that kind of guy"
As to your credentials, I will simply echo the
belief that it is more than poor decorum that a
lawyer would post such info on a public site, let
alone unlikely. I will, as always defend someone
who has treated me very well, and scoff at those
whose claims are dubious at best.
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