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Re: Re: Re: Mighty America is a nut but... (Sun Aug 22 19:18:22 2004 )
I hate this lawyer [View profile ]

This really has me upset and I can't shake it 
off. You are right these people are just demented 
in the way they think. Ambulance chaser is a term 
for a lawyer that would do anything for a case, 
kind of like chasing an ambulance to see who is 
hurt and if there is a case. It is the lowest of 
the low. I can only imagine what this person did 
to nick. They sound cold, mean spirited and yes 
even evil. I think we should all support nick 
right now as much as we can and not give any 
satisfaction to this loser. It sickens me that 
this person reads this forum and is out there 
right now looking to cause harm on others. I am 
not even posting under my real name because I do 
not want him trying to "cause justice" on me. 
People are sick and I want nothing to do with 
them. Nick if you read this, we are all here to 
support you against this whacko. I am going to 
use his deputy service 3x as much as normal to 
show my support.

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