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Yeah.....RIGHT (Sun Aug 22 08:07:45 2004 )
Lady Jekyll [View profile ]

What's pathetic is that I have seen this kind of 
behavior before- this isn't the first time I've 
witnessed some retard posting to a forum 
pretending to be their own lawyer.  

Like we're supposed to believe a real-life 
lawyer is going to waste his time coming to an 
online cel forum and posting under a stupid 
anonymous ID.  You could have tried a little 
harder you know, like using an ID something 
like, "The Law Offices of So and So".  Maybe you 
would have fooled a few poor saps, then, but as 
it is now, your bare-faced attempt to strike out 
at someone you hold a childish grudge against is 
just straight-up pathetic.  Do you even realize 
how much stupider you have made yourself look- 
to everyone?  

I have dealt with my share of people like you- 
who take advantage of an anonymous forum to try 
and harm the reputation of another person with 
half-assed lies.  You can shove it- because it's 
apparent Nick and the rest behind Anime Chaos 
are faring very well in their new Deputy Service-
and their happy, content customers far outnumber 

And happy customers are never afraid to post as 
they are known.  It's silly little morons like 
yourself that have to hide behind a "Mighty" 
anonymous name.  

You're not a lawyer.  And by the honest 
definitions of cel-dom, you are not a 
collector.  But a selfish, ignorant retard who 
is making themselves look more and more like a 
fool the more they drag this out.

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