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The reason why this is all very amusing. (Sun Aug 22 21:58:58 2004 )
haruna.of.jurai [View profile ]

directly quoted from an email from Kinsagashi 

"If you added up the cost of all my deputy items 
(invoices 37-55) in the package, the total value 
would be $1,244.80 USD."

the reason why this whole post is funny is that 
Nick's cel site has nothing to do with this 
girl's initial problem.  as she stated in her 
email, the cels acquired were from his DEPUTY 
SERVICE, which is still running strong, and the 
damages done to her cels were most likely done 
while they were still in the hands of the 
japanese seller.  i feel bad for her for the 
damaged goods that she has received, but i do not 
believe that the damage nor the mix-up in the 
insurance was Nick's fault, as he has adequately 
explained himself to her and (although he had no 
need to) this forum.

so no, no JUSTICE was served, because 
this "lawyer" has done nothing.  Nick has had it 
on his mind to close down his site for a while 
now due to the booming deputy service, and he has 
even said so on his own forum:

"Some of you might be wondering why AC decided to 
close its doors. Well, its not because cels 
aren't popular thats for sure. The reason is 
time. The deputy service has taken up nearly all 
our time and we simply can't keep Anime Chaos 
updated the way we would like to. It is also 
getting much more difficult to find new cels to 
resell. Don't worry folks, if you're seeing cel 
prices drop now just wait a little while 
longer....they'll shoot right back up and then 
some.  And lastly, as a personal note, cels 
simply don't hold much interest with me any more. 
I'm still tempted to buy some, but not nearly as 
much as I used to be in the past."

why didn't he post that here?  well, can you 
blame him?  this forum is ridiculous; almost 
every post starts a war, and because of these 
flame wars many very friendly and well-known long-
time collectors refuse to even post here any 


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