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Oedipal Complex? (Tue Jun 4 23:08:00 2002 )
Misha [View profile ]


...I hadn't read an Oedipal Complex in the 
context of Galaxy Express 999, but I suppose I 
could see it. I interpreted it as wanting to 
avenge his mother's death, but, um, I could be 
wrong, anything's possible. But there certainly 
is no Oedipal Complex in Metropolis, nor any 
pedophilia...they make quite clear that Tima is, 
at least, biologically mature. Unless those 
breasts were fake.

I would like to point out that our culture also 
has an obsession with the Oedipus Complex, and so 
it's nothing that's isolated simply in Japan...in 
fact, I dare say we create more Oedipally 
centered work than they do. Of course, the nature 
of the Oedipus Complex is that it's supposedly a 
world-wide phenomenon.


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