I am in the process of puting together a viewing
list for a class I am teaching at UNLV Continuing
Ed. entitled "An Introduction to Japanese
Animation." What I need from you are suggestions
for anime with some culturally relevant material.
For example:
Akira- Adolescent angst and emerging dominance in
the global arena by Japan.
I have about a dozen or so already picked out,
but I need more anime that deal with homosexuality
(Not Yaoi, but mainstream anime with gay
characters like CCS and OS), religion, feminism
and so forth. Any help you can offer will be
greatly appreciated. For those of you in the Las
Vegas area who are interested in the class, check
out unlv.edu and order the Fall Continuing Ed.
catalog. The class is eight weeks starting in
October. Fee is $60. I'll have more on this at my
website later in the week. |