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Re: (Thu Feb 20 09:34:16 2003 )
Madisoid [View profile ]


Can't really say much to your post 
blueheaven.....I have not seen Spirited Away yet. 
It cam out here in theaters but only in English 
and I was not going to watch it then. Its not 
even worth my time then.....I've decided to wait 
until it comes to DVD. Anyways.....so I can't 
comment on how the CG looked. I guess I will have 
to write something when I see it, to give you 
guys a opinion, okay? How does that sound? hehe

Miyazaki also was retiring b/c he is getting 
older and been doing animation forever. I am glad 
that is he still producing and drawing some 
storyboards. He doesn't really work on the 
animation very much anymore.

I do agree with you that since everything is 
going CG that the cels will become for precious. 
But I would want more cels from the new series, 
to love just as much. 

Thanks for your opinions!!! :)

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