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Re: I don't really (Wed Feb 19 21:27:17 2003 )
Madisoid [View profile ]


Don't get me wrong here Mouse. I'm not talking 
bad about CG in general, but stating that its sad 
that we are going to loose the old ways of 
animation sooner or later. 

Some CG looks great and others I can't even bare 
to look at. And the animation is not the only 
reason why I watch anime, it just helps a lot. 
Like for example I know that you like the art to 
ANC and FY.....well me too......its just a great 
bonus for us that the storylines are excellent 
and the art is astonishing! But I could never 
imagine Yu Watase's art being that great with a 
whole CG series. Could you? It doesn't fit her 
style of detailness. 

You said something about CG being much better 
looking, cheaper and faster. Well, all three if 
those statements are true.......but I think 
sometimes the CG looks too smoothe. For example, 
when cel animation and CG are mixed, most of the 
time they do not match together. A perfect 
example of this is Arjuna. At least if they are 
going to use CG use it all the way or not at all.

By having everything CG now, it will allow 
collectors to focus on older animes...allowing 
those great shows to not let them be lost either. 
And I am happy about that! By having the CG now I 
will also focus on sketches more now. Teh 
drawings are just as good at times. Hopefully 
their will be sketches available for all the new 
CG shows at there.

Still......I am studying to be an animator and 
there's something about each scene being hand-
drawn that is so more satisfying than CG. Imagine 
a great anime movie that has been all hand-drawn, 
isn't there something amazing about that???? 
*that question was kinda for everyone who posted 
on this thread* Other then the computer helped 
you make it. I'll probally get yelled out for 
saying soemthing like that, but I am just stating 
something that I strongly believe in. I am open 
to hear everyones opinions, though.

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