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Re: Cel Animation turning into CG (Wed Feb 19 17:40:54 2003 )
Keys [View profile ]


I feel that many CG series are gorgeous right 
now.  Low budget shows will continue to look bad, 
but higher budget shows have been looking great.  
Furthermore, often good writing and execution 
will easily conquer my feelings on design. :)

I can't imagine ever running out of cels I would 
like, even with new series not being cel, so I'll 
probably keep buying.  Furthermore, CG series and 
some cel-favorites have allowed me to discover 
genga, which I am also happy to collect.  I 
suppose I should call myself a 'production art' 
collector instead of a cel collector. ^_^

Some friends have mentioned that 'it's not the 
same' with sketches for them.  I think they plan 
to continue collecting cels from older series and 
sit back and enjoy not spending as much on the 
new ones.

I'm still not sure about reproductions though, 
but I hope repros and original fan-made cels will 
keep the media alive.  The materials will most 
likely continue to be available, in some form, 
whether directly 'for cel making' or by something 
more make-shift.

Anyone want to sell me some Haibane Renmei genga?

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