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Re: I don't mind at all... (Thu Feb 20 00:49:42 2003 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Miyazaki's Spirited Away is a fantastic example 
to bring up, thank you.  I enjoyed that movie to 
the fullest, both in story, and visually.  I 
absolutely couldnt tell if it was CG or cel, I 
had to go look online to figure it out.  
Mononoke was cel done, and it too was gorgeous.  
But the amt of work and pressure on the staff 
must have been overwhelming.  Just as much art 
and talent went into SA, it just takes a lot 
less time and teeth grinding.  I thought that 
movie was about as artistic as they 
come...whether it was CG or cel made absolutely 
no difference to me, it was fabulous looking!

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