I agree... for me the temptation for buying
animation art is in NO way diminished by CG.
Darn those genga and douga! ;) I happen to think
they're tremendously cool on their own, too...
even for shows that are cel animated I've seen
several sketches for scene layouts that have pan
notes, all kinds of directorial comments...
droolworthy stuff in my book. ;) (Almost makes
me wish I'd splurged a LITTLE more at the Taro
sale!) And one of the best pieces in my
collection is a set of genga and douga of Lina
from Slayers.... a STUNNING image of her that
I'd have never been able to afford in cel form.
It does, however, mean that I watched my crappy
first-sub-release copy of Hunter x Hunter Greed
Island's first ep very carefully indeed to see
if it was CG or not. ;) (Well... that and I'm
completely freaking obsessed with Hunter x
Hunter and was squealing in fangirl joy the
whole time. ;)) |