Yes I read what you wrote previously.
Just like I imagine the largest Sailormoon,
Nadesico and Utena collections sit in Japan
Why should we CARE what cel prices are in Japan?
If prices are dictated by US and overseas
collectors why should we care?
Prices are dictated by a global market. So WHAT
if Japanese collectors do not want to pay the
same prices for cels as US ones?
If there is a speculative cel bubble for x-cels
Good! Japanese collectors wanting to make a
profit will list them on YJ. If the ONLY way to
make them part with the cels is to drive prices
up to insane levels just to see them list - GOOD!
At least then we will see just what is available.
God knows we need to triple the price of Utena
cels so I can see Black Rose Duellists list.
Many anime bomb in Japan but do well overseas
(Hellsing, Outlaw Star come to mind). Naturally
the overseas market will dictate cel prices. Then
again many collectors in Japan will pay more for
a cel than a US collector will - particularly for
older and unlicensed anime such as Rose of
Versaille etc.
I can see what cels prices are in Japan when I go
into Nakano mall and to other cel shops in Tokyo
and Osaka. Enough of us are fortunate enough to
do that.
Would you part with a X cel if I offered to cost
price? If you are a collector - you'd be barking
mad. I'd have to offer you cost plus a sizable
margin to make it worth your while.
If you have a problem with prices of a particular
series or type of cel just stay clear.