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Re: Re: Re: Fat chicks and weird guys! (Wed Dec 24 22:12:42 2003 )
Genzou - BakaNekoFancels [View profile ]

I must say, this is an interesting topic.
It is interesting to see people's views on 
things about overweight americans and geeks.

I must say I think I fall into both areas and I 
don't mind. ^_^

Believe it or not, there are some Americans out 
there that get fat - upon no matter what they 
eat and no matter how small the portion. Some 
overweight people actually may be taking 
medications or have a hormonal disease that will 
actually make you more overweight no matter what 
they do. They could eat a bagel in the morning 
with a cup of coffee (no sugar or cream), and 
cup of garden salad in afternoon with a 
vinegrette dressing and a slice of grilled 
chicken breast, a piece of broccoli and a small 
dinner roll ffor dinner and still gain weight. 

I fall into this category... no matter what I 
eat or do, I am unable to shed any weight and no 
Dr has been able to help me up to this point.

I don't tell a lot of people that I am 
overweight because people are quick to form a 
bias (for example the Japanese people in the 
above thread.) If I tell people that I am 
overweight, they think I am instantly stupid and 
lazy. But I work myself into the ground night 
and day supporting myself and my husband and 
running a fancel site. Granted I may not dress 
up at conventions, cause I know darn good and 
well my body is not meant for most ccostumes 
that anime characters wear, but I still try and 
have a lot of fun. Hence the geek-ness may come 
out and drooling over all the yummy cels and 
anime goodness.... but hey, we are all a little 
geeky. Being a geek is nothing at all to be 
ashamed of.
Goodness knows some of us Americans think 
Kareoke is a little "geeky" at times, yet there 
are some Japanese (as well as Americans) people 
who do this as an activity after work to vent 
some stress. Some people collect stamps, dolls, 
figurines, cels, computers, plushies. 
etc .......Whatever makes a person happy, as 
long as they don't turn into homicidal maniacs, 
is fine with me, even if it is considered a 
little geeky.

I still think it is a shame though that people 
are still so biased towards overweight 
americans. Some of us just can't help it. Some 
of the nicest people I know are significantly 

As far as the Japanese people that you mention 
in your thread... It truly is their loss that 
they don't get to know those people a little 
better.... it really is their loss.


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