I don't know much about cons. I've been to two,
both AX. This year, AX was held in Anaheim during
the Summer. In 90 degree weather with 90%
humidity. I woke up the morning of the first day.
I showered. Shaved. Combed. Put on clean clothes.
I then walked 1/4 mile to the con to line up for
the exhibit room. After 45 minutes of standing in
the sun, I was DRENCHED in sweat. I am not a guy
who sweats a great deal. Christ, I LIVE in Las
Vegas! But that day, in that humidity, everyone
in that line was getting pretty funky. By the
time the end of the day rolled around, I was a
mess. I'm not saying that some folks out there
don't need to discover the wonders of soap, but
there are extenuating circumstances.
Onto the food issue. I have to agree with Drac.
While I can eat my weight in some foods(depending
on the day), most of the time I end up taking
part of my meal home. It's the American idea that
we need to get more for less in order not to feel
cheated. As for fat guys like me, I'll leave this
to Dennis Miller.
"We are one of the few countries who ridicule
folks for being overweight. In a waning
Democracy, I view fat guys as the chirping birds
in the mineshaft of freedom. And since when is
being uniformly fit as a country been a top
priority? Last time I can recall a country
striving for that ideal was Germany in the
1930's, and it didn't turn out that well for
them." |