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Re: Fat chicks and weird guys! (Wed Dec 24 02:59:31 2003 )
e-n-j [View profile ]

Wow, lot's of issues..

 Let me say a few things:

First Happy New Year, fat, slim, or otherwise!
I hope that we all get the cels that we want, 

Honestly, it may be all "Cause and Effect"

Eat too much sugar (unknowingly) get too fat.
Plain and simple. Since coming to Japan, my sugar 
intake is way, way, down. So, too does my weight 
stay stable. Also, being around a bunch of skinny 
people for years, has a psychological effect of 
me being conscious of it all of the time. I guess 
in the USA, the more fat people around, the more 
it seems okay to be fat.

 Since living over here, I left out the holiday 
meals altogether, sad but true. I don't eat 
turkey, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, 
American pies, cakes, etc. during October, 
November, December, or January or (Fall and 
Winter) were I am most likely not to be as 
active.  Of course, growing up in sunny 
California I didn't really worry about the 
weather, but we drive cars everywhere, and I mean 
everywhere = lack of exercise. In Japan, people 
walk much more, take subways, and walk some more. 
People in these enviornments move more, eat less, 
and eat less sugars (Japan, that is.)

Americans are not lazy! Believe me it has nothing 
to do with that. If anything we tend to be 
hypertensed,overworked, and exhausted. Then we 
get lazy when we stick things in our mouths and 
down our bellies for a quick relaxing fix. A lot 
of this is SUGAR, SALT, OIL. 

Americans are food junkies in the worst way. 
People eat to feel good, not nurish themselves. 
So, I think that leads to obesity and other 
I am an American, living in Japan. Trust me on 
this one. Whenever, I go home I can see how fat 
everyone of my 4 siblings has become. And they 
just keep getting fatter! They are very active 
and intelligent people, but they "eat wrong". I 
have stayed within 10 pounds up or down for the 
last 15 years in the same range. I know that is 
by being here, that has saved me from the same 


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