Cels Forum

Re: Why collect to fit someone else's standards? ^_^ (Mon May 15 21:40:28 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


I collect ONLY for myself. I don't collect with resale value
in mind - either for myself reselling the cels or for
relatives reselling the cels as part of an estate when I
croak. ^_-  As such, I don't bother with the "grades" in the
slightest. I do know what they are and what is considered an
"A" grade vs a "B" grade cel, but for buying purposes, I
really don't care.

For me, a cel has to be either of a character I love (in
which case I want to see the outfit) or of a scene I love
(in which case it again needs to be panned back to show
what's going on). It has to be asthetically pleasing to my
eye. For example, my cel of the "Animal Shinma" from Miyu
TV isn't "A" grade (she's viewed from behind, looking back
over her shoulder) but the way that her braid falls forward
and outlines her face is much more attractive to my eye
than many face on shots of her that I've seen. Moreover, the
top of her hair isn't cut off at the top of the cel. That is
something that usually really annoys me to have the hair cut
off at the top, and is one of the reasons I don't like the
extreme close-ups.

Another interesting thing to note, the requirements for each
grade differ between anime cels and American cels (such as
Disney cels). Japan values the close-up very much, but if
you ask a collector of US cels, they will tell you the more
valuable shot is a full body one. It's all in what a
particular person likes. . . Rules will never be able to
dictate taste. ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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