I am glad someone finally took advantage of that
RK OP auction and used the "buy it now." Also,
the value was kept up for cels from this
sequence, which aren't many.
I think eBay should be the place to go when you
want a bargin on used/new stuff like electronics,
sporting good, musical instruments, and many
other things in this manner. Because consumer's
goods like these tend to decrease in value when
time passes on, and the sellers know they aren't
going to get all of their money back (Plus, eBay
is like a big garage cel, people go their for
cheap). But people should realize that
collectibles like cels shouldn't automatically
mean "lower in value" when it goes to eBay.
Because they are one of a kind and irreplaceable.
And most sellers selling the cels would like to
hold on to the cel if they could, I'm sure. I
think buyers just made this a habit whe |