> On the other hand ... direct sales seem to work
> better. And it seems that when you have the
> person make offers the better you get.
Maybe it's only me, but when I see the words "make
offer", I generally walk away. And I'll even walk
away from cels that I *would* have spent a lot to
get. . . If the seller only had enough spine to
put a *price* on it!
First, making an offer on something takes TOO
MUCH TIME. Days becomes weeks and sometimes
becomes "Did the person not get my e-mail or just
not have the decency to write back?"
Second, it's no longer taking in e-mails, picking
out the best offer and rolling with it.(What
"make offer" really means, IMHO.) Now it's more
privately run **auctions**, with the highest bid
broadcast on a webpage for all to see. People
still call it offers, but it's NOT anymore.
Third, maybe this is fine with someone you know.
But if you don't know the person? On Ebay or YJ,
I can see who is upping my bid. With these new
private auctions (oops, "offers"), you see NOTHING
and know NOTHING except: "You're outbid, wanna
pay more?" What's to stop a dishonest person from
only *saying* you've been outbid? Nothing. Other
than running into the person who *did* outbid
you, you can't know you weren't just screwed.
Which leads to: "Offers" just leaves a bad taste
in my mouth. One of the bigger reasons I don't
get involved is because how "offers" are run now
leaves me feeling *USED* by my fellow collectors
who are blatenetly interested in nothing more
than pimping out their cels for as much as they
can get. I understand people wanting to get back
what they paid on a cel. But private deals are
supposed to be one of the *FUN* elements of cel
collecting - and these "make offers" fiascos are
anything but fun. They're tiring.
They're also completely overused. IMHO, a cel has
to be a certain calibur to be worthy of "make
offers" - the type that is so rare it's impossible
to accurately price it because equivalent cels DO
NOT SHOW UP. But lately every miscentered, line
faded, eyes-closed cel of EASY to find characters
gets "make offer" slapped on it. It's *pathetic*
and IMHO, makes the seller look pathetic.
I'd love to see these silly personal auctions go
the way of the dodo. 9_9 I'd much rather see
people be *honest* about what their cel is worth
when trying to sell it. I'd *love* to see people
not constantly out to wring every damn dime
possible from their fellow collectors when they
do sell something. . . And if neither of those is
possible, at least show enough balls to be honest
about what you're doing. Don't cutely call it
"offers", post your note as: HEY! I'm running a
personal AUCTION on my homepage. ~_~
Many Sharp Smiles,