Very good advice. I have become a much much
smarter buyer than I was in the past. Now I only
buy cels of very specific wishlist characters,
and the cel has to be asthetically perfect to me,
no wierd lines, chips, funky angles. My account
is very very thankful for this, but still, things
happen and people need to sell. ~_~ Interest in
series also wayne back and forth. I have
recently made a couple of purchases that were not
very smart. I guess I just had a bug in my
bonnet. I also planned a last minute trip, so
the cels I just got may have to go. I didnt plan
for it to happen this way, but que sera... In
any case...I would love the day to come where
everyone sold for their initial cost, but that
day wont come. Sadly. Everyone needs money
right now with the cons, the recession, etc.
After con season...Im hoping the market will go
back to normal. |