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Re: Excellent point, kylaria. More to add... (Tue Jun 25 21:41:43 2002 )
sovereign [View profile ]

you're totally right when you restated the motto 
of the cel collector: a cel is worth what a 
person is willing to pay. a fine example of this 
is late last year when there was an FY dry spell. 
I couldn't find any quality cels at any dealers 
or ebay for the prices I normally pay, so I 
resorted to buying a nice cel for what I deemed a 
crazy price. being realistic, I knew I could 
never resell it for that price, and now 7 months 
later I've priced it at half of what I paid. no 
biggie, way it goes.
    another thing that influences buyers on ebay 
is whether they can remember seeing the cel for 
sale at a dealers' site recently. bidders tend to 
stand against quick resellers. however, there are 
always exceptions and valid explanations, and of 
course in the end it's just a matter of whether 
they want the cel enough to buy it for the price 
it's selling for.


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