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Re: Have you ever got an email .... (a has this ever happened to you thread) (Thu Jun 27 21:37:21 2002 )
mouse [View profile ]

I havent ever gotten an email, but I have had 
people post some messages here directly pointed 
at me.  I collect cels of one character in 
particular.  This chara is really hard to find, 
and very expensive.  I have a pretty nice 
collection of this chara so far.  I dearly love 
the show and character though.  

The way I dealt with this was I wrote to the 
person directly and asked them about the post.  I 
was really offended, but I can also understand 
their anger.  In the end it turned out okay, I 
was actually able to help this person out later.  
I think it's always good to calmly explain to 
others why you really want the cels, that is if 
they have a real beef with it.  Sorry you're 
having to deal with that.  It's never a good 
thing to get emails like that.  Makes me feel bad 
over and over.

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