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Re: Have you ever got an email .... (a has this ever happened to you thread) (Thu Jun 27 20:20:32 2002 )
ryouko [View profile ]

I've been attacked a few times (once on this 
forum) for wanting more FY cels, when I put a 
wishlist call out to find some certain cels. Most 
generally though the comments are just rude and 
can be ignored. I may have a more than usual 
amount of FY, but I most certaintly don't "horde" 
them all. If I did, I'd be in debt for the rest 
of my life. x.x There's plenty of cels to go 

If the person is seriously upset and not just 
slandering you, explain to them how much you 
dearly love the series that you collect, and that 
you're not just simply "hording" them to "have 
them all" in that sense. Perhaps tell them that 
you'll help them find a LU cel if you find one 
you do not wish to purchase. :)


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