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Hmmm... (Thu Jun 27 20:22:08 2002 )
Ms. Poe [View profile ]

Well, personally I've never had this happen to 
me, but I can just see it happening for some 
strange reason now...;P...


All I can say is that cel collecting situations 
such as these happen in every day life in many 
different situations.

Say, for example, you go to a local burger joint, 
& really want a double cheeseburger.  You look at 
the price on the menu, & fish around in your 
pocket for change.  You come up short, but enough 
to buy a single cheeseburger.  What do you do?  
what are your options? Do you stamp around in a 
furious rage & complain at the high price of that 
double cheeseburger?  Do you wave your fists at 
the other patrons saying how awful it is that 
they have money & you don't?  Or, do you simply 
count your losses, buy the single 
cheeseburger...Or.....Do you save that money 
until you have enough to come bac k7 buy that 
double cheeseburger?

What would you do?

All I can say to these people is if you really 
want a cel from a certain series....


Seriously....Don't take your anger & frustration 
out on other people who are spending THEIR OWN 
MONEY the way they want to.  If you wanna be able 
to "compete" on their level...Then rise to it by 
saving your cash.  I mean...it's not that hard!  
Put a couple bucks in your mattress, or lockbox 
every paycheck or chance you get....

Also, did you ever think to kindly ask the owner 
of that cel, or the winner of an auction if they 
would consider selling it to you for "Such & 
such" of an offer?  

I would kindly ignore the rudeness some people 
have in the cel community.  Especially on all the 
big cel galleries like Yann's, Curts, 
etc....Guess what?  That's how they make their 
living!  Oh...Big surprise!  They deal with cels, 
they run a business, & the whole point of running 
a business is to make a profit.  What do they do 
with the profit?  They do what they please.  So, 
if that means spending their "Hard earned cash" 
on cels from a particular series...So be it.  

It's your money...You do what you like with it, & 
if you want something so bad...SAVE YOUR MONEY!  
One of the oldest lessons in the book ;P!

Hopefully everyone will take note of that, & come 
to grips with reality instead of in a world where 
they expect to get everything ;)!

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