> So, if I understand your first two points
> correctly, you will never have problem with
> someone from US but only from other country ?
I think that what is more the point is: Although
you can get problems from ANY bidder, those
problems are inevitably easier to sort out if the
bidder is domestic. For example: A bounced check
from another country can be as much as 2 1/2
times the cost *to the seller* than a domestic
bounced check. (I don't know about another other
countries, but in the US the person trying to
*cash* the check also gets charged fines if the
check bounces - not just the person who wrote
said check.) Then it takes longer to get sent
Not to mention, why should the *seller* have to
research a way to be able to accept an
international payment? That's another thing
sellers don't want to deal with.
In the end, the arguments of an international
bidder don't have any standing *at all*. A seller
does NOT need a good reason to not want to ship
internationally. And a responsible bidder
respects the seller's wishes.
All said, I think it is *completely* wrong to
assume a seller doesn't mean it when an auction
says "seller will not ship internationally". It
doesn't matter if that is the default setting on
the auction. If the bidder hasn't *asked* the
seller *in advance*, then they're bidding
Many Sharp Smiles,