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Re: Re: Grr ... I don't get it .... (Mon Aug 19 22:41:09 2002 )
zefyr [View profile ]

Ebay also puts that by default.  That's why I 
include inside my description that I ONLY ship to 
the US.

And Yann, I don't ship internationally for the 
following reasons:

1) I've had checks bounce from Canada
2) I've had a person decide not to pay the full 
shipping charges for EMS (since I use paypal) and 
threaten me if I didn't sent the cel EMS.  I had 
my ebay reps supporting me and his German rep 
threatening me also.
3) I've had people want me to 'fake' customs 
forms to they don't have to pay their country's 

There are way too many hassles in shipping 
international... and I've had enough hassles 
recently.  It would be one thing if I were a 
dealer like you are Yann.  It's quite another if 
I'm trying to part with my last few cels.

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