I love shopping online with Mandarake Japan. I
have ordered several times from them before and
find that they are very efficient in getting
their orders out.
They answered my emails on the same day as when I
placed my order, sometimes, a day later. Most
staff I have dealed with online, speak english
well, at least some basic english to get by. I
find no communication gap at all.
They always state the condition of the cels they
have with them, letting you decide if you still
wants it. I find that they sometimes lower the
pricings of cels that are in bad condition too.
We can't say whose fault it was who did not store
the cels well. Anime cels always go through a lot
of owners and it all depends on whether they took
care of it. And it is also a choice to buy or not
to buy it. But sometimes, the cel is so rare that
well, that little fault, I simply ignored.
Though, it would have been perfect without it.
Anyway, it all depends. ^^
I usually receive my cels within 3 days between
asian countries. And I believe shipping via EMS
from Japan to the US, will not take more than a
Transactions with them are always fast, smooth
and very easy to complete. Totally hassle-free, I
simply love this kind of service.
Besides, Ryo is always such a nice guy. Dealing
with him is a great pleasure. ^^
That's only for Mandarake Japan, I don't know if
its the same for Mandarake LA.