You're not alone! I am a web designer, its what
I do, and so if I cannot even hold over a
7.something on presentation, there is something
wrong. (not to mention that I give detailed info
on almost every cel and I think the categories
and gallery pages are clean and clear!) ~_~ My
ratings started out in the upper eights and I
was quite pleased, but now they are in the mid
sevens and will probably keep dropping, knowing
my luck. I think the solution is just to turn
it off like others have already done, and not to
worry about it anymore. I will probably do that
It's a popularity contest, that's all it is.
I've seen galleries that are no wheres near as
nice to look at, with categories laid out no
differently than mine with upper eights or even
nines in presentation. It's a pure populatiry
contest. And I am not popular ~_~ lol. I've
seen the same thing happen with a lot of
people's galleries. And some people lack the
ability to be objective, and will rate you low
on everything if they do not like the shows you
collect. Popularity contest + non-objective
voters = a flawed rating system :P
Sometimes no matter what you do, things just
won't change. So I wouldn't worry about
changing your gallery around in hopes of getting
higher ratings, because it will just make it
more frustrating if it never happens and it will
taint the enjoyablity of the hobby. :) |