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Re: Could really use some advice about my gallery!!! (Sun Dec 14 13:48:24 2003 )
gabriel [View profile ]

It *does* look much better than it did before - 
I went back and changed my presentation rating, 
although it didn't help that much. (I had 
originally rated it 6/9/8, and I can't remember 
now why I didn't like the  old design, since I 
can't see the old version now and my memory 
sucks) Unfortunately, you have probably gotten a 
few jokers who have given you really really low 
marks, probably because they don't care for 
Sailor Moon cels or something. I know I had 
someone rate my gallery yesterday with all ones -
 rather annoying when someone is deliberately 
trying to sink your ratings rather than provide 
helpful feedback.

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