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Re: Could really use some advice about my gallery!!! (Sun Dec 14 07:40:33 2003 )
rei [View profile ]

  I would say that part of the problem is that 
your sections should have simpler labels.  
Looking at a link labelled "3a-> MOTD <- Daimon" 
is not the most inviting thing.  You should go 
with simpler titles like "Daimons" or something 
like that.  Having the categories numbered could 
make things easier (like you've done), but is 
also requires whoever visits your site to 
actually spend time reading the opening page --- 
most people just like to browse, and not go too 
in depth.
  These are just some of my first impressions of 
your site.  I honestly have no idea why you got 
such low marks --- you never know, it could be 
that one person gave you a super-low mark while 
everyone else gave you high marks (the average 
would still be low).

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