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That is why I don't use Rubberslug . . . (Sun Dec 14 15:55:51 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

Sure, it is convenient to list your cels and FREE!

But, I HATE being rated.  And yes, as some said,
it is nothing but a rating of how many "great"
cels you have.  The more $$$ you have to buy
$1000+ cels, the better ratings you'll have. 
Also, I hate the contraints they put on the site
(not allowed to sell anything, can't put a "for
offer" tag on your cel, have to be a certain
"way", etc).

Also, not all people know how to make computer
graphics and do nto have the money to hire someone
to make it for them.  This should be a fun hobby,
not a race on who can have the best cel gallery
and that is what I feel that many website hosts
try to make you do.

I know that my site is a bit loud and "Fluffy" for
many people, but that is the way I like it and no
one can or should tell me otherwise!  :-)
The only things that REALLY annoy me are the
pop-up ads, but other than that, I have the
freedom to whatever I want!  :-)

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