Yes, quite a few of them probably did. He also
bought a few of the AWS order that I did. But the
Piccolo with the reddish background looks an
awful lot like the one Marc Najar owns, if I
remember correctly and the Trunks cel looks quite
a bit like the one from Gogeta00's collection
(only now he's added a background to it).
I know lots of cels make up a sequence, so maybe
the Trunks is just from the same sequence as
Gogeta00's... but for the Piccolo to have the
same background? Hmm. Don't think so. (I could
be wrong, and it's not Marc's but another DB
collector.. if so, sorry for the slip of memory.
Being sick with a fever of 101 can do things like
~ crawling back into bed soon. (*cough*) |