Man, it really sux that his Website is filled
with many cels that aren't his, I'd really like
to get some of those DBZ cels! Well, too bad. I
like the Idea to set up a new Ebay name, but I
think the Best suggestion I've heard is to ask
him for scans of the Backs of cels! Did anyone
try that yet? Any way, I know I saw that D cel
before. It was on Ebay about a half a year ago.
It's starting Bid was for $300!!! So I didn't
even try for it. I suppose he could have won the it's possible he DOES own that cel.
P.S. I'm probably going to put up the Ssj4 Group
cel and Ninja Scroll cel up on Ebay. So If
anyone's interested. Contact me within the next
couple days. Thanks!!!!