1) How long have you been collecting cels?
About 3 yrs now
2) How much do you spend on cels per month? (Average)
3) What is your favorite cel? (Post pic)
Right now it's this one. Mostly because I just traded it away and have
to pack it up and say goodby next week. It's like sending your kid off
to college. Oh, parting is such sweet sorrow.
4) Assuming you buy cels off the internet - what is your
favorite site to buy them from (not necessarily where
you buy cels most regularly)?
Well, not to detract from all the other great places I do business at,
my favorite would have to be Taro. It wins for two reasons. First the
interface is great. One click and you know the cel is yours. No need to
wait for email confimation. And second I love those THICK pieces of
cardboard the cels are protected by.
5a) Do you concentrate on specific characters or series or
One series only - Tenchi Muyo
b) If you collect for a series, do you go through the
trouble of finding at least one cel per character?
I try to get all the main characters. Although I'm short on a Sasami cel
right now.
6) Have you ever purchased a cel from EBay or Yahoo or some
other auction site?
I hate eBay.... so obviously that means yes. All too often I have sat
staring at my computer thinking, "I can't believe I paid that much for
that thing!"
7) Do you have family members who also appreciate cels?
My son started me on this habbit. He picked up a Macross cel of Rick
and Lisa. When I got home and saw it ... "wow, you can actually buy
these things!" .... that was it for me.
8) Do you have friends who appreciate cels?
Only cyber friends.
9) In the space of this form box (i.e. the entire message
cannot force scrolling either vertically or horizontally
in the reply text box), please explain WHY you think
cels are so addicting - imagine you're trying to explain
to someone why they're so great.
Anime cels are much worse than cigarettes. Stay away from them!