1) How long have you been collecting cels?
About 6 months now, though I got my first real cel back in September of '99 at AnimeFest.
2) How much do you spend on cels per month? (Average)
I usually only spend around $250 or so, but this month I'm hitting almost $600. -.-;; Need to cut down soon.
3) What is your favorite cel? (Post pic)
Everyone knows my ultimate favourite is my Evil Tamahome cel. ^.- but this is one I just got in not too long ago, that I adore greatly. Finally a Taka & Miaka cel, from OAV II. (see below)
4) Assuming you buy cels off the internet - what is your favorite site to buy them from (not necessarily where you buy cels most regularly)?
A lot of dealers have helped me greatly in finding all of my cels, but a very special thanks goes out to Nancy, for providing two of my top wishlist cels. Thank you so much.
5a) Do you concentrate on specific characters or series or both?
I only collect from Fushigi Yuugi, for various reasons. The main characters I look for though are Amiboshi/Suboshi, Tamahome, & Tasuki.
b) If you collect for a series, do you go through the trouble of finding at least one cel per character?
Actualy I am, but I don't consider it trouble. :p Actually all I need to complete the Suzaku Seishi is a Hotohori, and mebbe a human Suzaku. :o
6) Have you ever purchased a cel from EBay or Yahoo or some other auction site?
Yes I have, I've gotten some very wonderful cels for great prices off of Ebay and Yahoo, however I have also seen some great cels go way overprized and out of my affordable range, which pisses me off. >:/
7) Do you have family members who also appreciate cels?
Not really, when I get one in and show it to them, they're like "Yes dear, that's nice" then walk away.
8) Do you have friends who appreciate cels?
Yes I do, though all are online. :p
9) In the space of this form box (i.e. the entire message
cannot force scrolling either vertically or horizontally
in the reply text box), please explain WHY you think
cels are so addicting - imagine you're trying to explain
to someone why they're so great.
I can't even begin to do so, and everyone else has already given plenty of good reasons.