I don't normally do this, but what the hell. ^_^;
1) How long have you been collecting cels?
Just short of 1 year now! Yee! My one year anniversary is
coming up soon! =P *grins*
2) How much do you spend on cels per month? (Average)
I don't even want to think about that!! =P Umm.. prolly
in the neighborhood of 150-200.00. Sometimes more. I'm
out of work at the moment, so its down drastically =P
I feel like holding a sign up "Will work for cels!"
3) What is your favorite cel? (Post pic)
Oh, easy. ^_^; See below.
4) Assuming you buy cels off the internet - what is your
favorite site to buy them from (not necessarily where
you buy cels most regularly)?
Anime Taro, without question. ^_^ I buy almost exclusively
from them now.
5a) Do you concentrate on specific characters or series or
Mostly a character, but also from the series. Vegita is my
obsession. (Those who have seen my site are now thinking
"Well, no kidding!") Oh, that's DBZ for those who don't know. ^_^
b) If you collect for a series, do you go through the
trouble of finding at least one cel per character?
I'm working on it. Hard to do for something as huge as DBZ though. o.o
6) Have you ever purchased a cel from EBay or Yahoo or some
other auction site?
Yes, I still do from time to time too if its the right cel.
Usually gets too pricey for me though.
7) Do you have family members who also appreciate cels?
*LOL* Umm, no. They think I'm nuts for spending so much
on pieces of plastic with paint on them. -_-;
8) Do you have friends who appreciate cels?
Yes, thankfully. ^_^ I've gotten two friends involved in
cel collecting recently. *waves to Luc and Dawn* ^_^;
9) In the space of this form box (i.e. the entire message
cannot force scrolling either vertically or horizontally
in the reply text box), please explain WHY you think
cels are so addicting - imagine you're trying to explain
to someone why they're so great.
o_O; I love Vegita. 'nuff said. ^_^; hehehehe..
Seriously though (ok, ok.. that was sorta serious too :P)
I love the artwork, and I love the series. Vegita is the
best character from the show (in my opinion, no flames please ^^)
and I can't resist buying cels of him. I think we need to
start a Cel Buyers Anonymous club. :p I can't stop, even
though I don't have a steady income. -_-;
Ok - here's the cel. ^_^;