1> I started collecting cels in 1997 I believe. I didn't
know what to get or where, but I first saw a booth of cels
at Motorcity Con years ago. I think it was Rick's.
2> I spend too much on cels a month...I'll go months
without buying..then for several montsh in a row I'll be
blowing hundreds of dollars. I like stuff from harder to
get series so it all tends to come in batches. Then a
Convention comes along and I'll spend $500 easy.
3> My newest favorite doesn't have a scan, but its 2 frames
or so off from Nick at Anime Chaos's Tita cel. It is
MUY MUY bonita. It is probably my only technically "A" cel
but I also am not a huge fan of portrait shots.
4> I think I should have my paycheck directly deposited to
Asylum Anime, because it would save me the trouble of
getting a money order to Curt. If he gets anoter shipment
of Yohkos or Plastic Little stuff I'll be broke. Otherwise
I HATE buying stuff off the internet. I prefer conventions
because its easier to negotiate, its easier to see line
fading, and its more personal I think, plus not everyone can
say "oh yeah, you bought that off Taro didn't you?"
5> A:I collect all Plastic Little characters, all Gunnm
characters, All Yohko characters, but some definitely are
preferred over others. I try to get cels from every major
B: Someday I will own the entire crew of the Cha Cha
Maru. I got Nalerof and he and Roger are the hardest to
find. If I can just find Roger and the major bad guy right
under Guizel I'll be set.
6> I HATE auctions but I've bought too much stuff off of
7> My family hates my cels. Whenever I need money they tell
me to sell one of my "valuable cels."
8> I had a friend kidnape my Kintaro cel. He had it for a
week before he felt guilty enough to bring it back.
He still tries to get me to sell it to him.
9> Cels are addictive because they are EVIL. They crawl
into your dreams, and make you scream when you pass up a
great opportunity. Did you ever get up in the middle
of the night to check for an update? Have you contemplated
getting Email sent to your pager just for cel page updates?
Have you ever passed up groceries for a week and lived out
of your freezer because you HAD to have a cel?I thought so. I don't know why they are addictive, but I know they
are maddening because of their uniqueness and similarity.
If you miss out on a cel you always wonder if you may ever
have a chance again. Or also you might buy a cel, and the
same sequence two frames over pops up on Taro for 60% of
what you paid for it. There are no set prices, no
guarantees. Every piece is different. If you get an A-1
End cel you KNOW for a fact if you get rid of it you'll
never find another. You could tear your hair out
sometimes. It's just a hobby..yeah, right, I used to call
myself a collector. It's a lot more than that. Those
who can control it, I commend you. I'm no longer a
collector, I'm a huntress.