1) How long have you been collecting cels?
Seems like a good time to answer since I hit my 1 year mark
just a few days ago ^_^
2) How much do you spend on cels per month? (Average)
Probably between $150-200...I often wonder where I find the
3) What is your favorite cel? (Post pic)
I put my most current favorite below. It's too hard to
4) Assuming you buy cels off the internet - what is your
favorite site to buy them from?
Like some people have said, too many nice places to choose
5a)Do you concentrate on specific characters or series or
I'm a total character collector. Even if I didn't like a series
that much if I found a character I loved I might start
collecting them. If you look under particular animes in
my gallery it will almost always be filled with cels
of just one character. At one point I was really tempted
to collect one cel of each character that had been voiced
by Seki Tomokazu...
b) If you collect for a series, do you go through the
trouble of finding at least one cel per character?
I think I might do this for the Rayearth OVA, and I did do
this for the most part with Tenchi (well main characters)
6) Have you ever purchased a cel from EBay or Yahoo or some
other auction site?
7) Do you have family members who also appreciate cels?
My mother goes, oh how pretty, how much did you spend? And
then she starts griping :-P
8) Do you have friends who appreciate cels?
Only online so far! I will find others, but just getting
them addicted to anime first is the trick.
9)please explain WHY you think
cels are so addicting - imagine you're trying to explain
to someone why they're so great.
I think other people mentioned this, but I love knowing that
I own this split second of time in a favorite show. This is
an entirely unique collectable...none of these cels came out
in sets of 1000 or were even meant at first to be collected.
I love photography for a similar reason for collecting cels,
I'm very possesive of moments in time ^_~ Oh and the art...the
Emika >^.^<