>As to know if the hanken paint will
>be more easily damaged if I bent it...
The paint also looks different. Compare it side by side
with a normally painted cel. Of course, that's not a
definitive test as sometimes hanken are painted
differently, but it's ONLY one of several things you can
check to help determine a cel's authenticity.
>I don't understand why you think that a studio producing
>part of the cels for a japanese studio can't use the
>same paint/acetate when they do copies...
Of course they can. But the folks who did my Lemnear cel
were careful to use different materials. And I'm not
aware of anyone trying to sell the Korean repros as
originals; but many people have sold the AIC repros as
originals...even saw some fake Belldandies at San Diego
Comic-Con last month.
> I am sorry, but I compared an hanken from AIC with
> a copy and couldn't see/feel a difference
Who did this copy? A Korean group? The one that I
bought from used different materials. However, I understand
that there is more than one group churning these things