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Re: Celga.com (Sun May 9 05:17:49 2004 )
Brian [View profile ]

Funny, I just tried using their service 
yesterday and suddently a thread is up about it. 

When I sent my e-mail they helped with a could 
message on how to order.
1. The URL
2. Max bid here (103yen = $1)
3. Full Name
4. Shipping address
and 5. Phone number

They also want half your max bid deposited 
before they bid, which can be done through 
paypal or other methods. Like someone said, it 
looks like they snipe the auctions for you, hope 
they got a good reminder. 

Also, they are first come first serve, so if 
someone requests the same auction you have 
already, they will still only bid for you, even 
if the other would pay twice your max bid. 

Though, if your max bid loses, and someone else 
has already requested the auction at a higher 
amount, they'll then bid for them, assuming you 
wouldn't want to bid anymore because your max 
bid lost.

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