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Re: Re: Your thoughts on Dibs (Thu Jun 27 19:24:53 2002 )
spinizuey [View profile ]

Some of my best cels came from the "dibs system". 
Someone remembered how much I wanted something, 
offered it to me when they needed to sell, and I 
hold onto them tightly because I adore them so 
much. These cels mean even more to me knowing 
that my friends actually thought of me. 

IF for some reason, i HAD to sell (lets pray it 
never happens) these cels that I got from 
friends, I would offer them back to the person 
who sold them to me FIRST - at the price they 
sold it to me for, of course. Even though I know 
I could get a lot more for a cel, passing on a 
good deal to someone means good karma. Things 
will be better in the long run.


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